Monday, May 12, 2008


Know what is glorious?
picnics -naps in the sun.

trampolines are pretty glorious.
Also, Rehearsals at outdoor theatres:

Late night bike rides, post-domino's, to the cemetery.. especially when it's sprinkling.
Driving a fast, fast American made car and its raining a little harder.. rolling stones on the radio.
Movie Screenings..
(If you did not get a chance to see Method, the short film, you can watch it here on Wendy and Rob's blog:

After a short time off, Glory is back in all her... well... glory.

Many glorious infinite times... I'd like to make a bouquet of them.


Ems said...

great, I go out of town for a few days and you guys have so much fun!

an illdressed foolishwise said...

whatever.. you were kissing a boy and none of us got to have that much fun...