Friday, April 17, 2009

listless list...

this is me, making up for some miss placed time--

1. a ceramic/mix media self portrait:

2. a lil game of where's waldo. (watch and see how many times you can spot a familiar face):
Greenlight Reel from Greenlight Films on Vimeo.

3. 6 Days till El Salvador !!!!! & !!!!! & more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Easter!:

5. How one flower delivery boy successfully made monday morning better:

and finally

6. Track One of the official Summer Soundtrack: (special thanks to b.b. and the zip car and the golden gate bridge..)

Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Hot Chip & Peter Gabriel


Rod in Indy said...

Wow...what a great post...I just happened to randomly check today! I love your ceramic piece, your Easter/Provo pic and especially your cameo in the video...I saw you twice, but probably missed other times?? What is that video for?

El Salvador is coming quickly! I'm so excited for you!!


an illdressed foolishwise said...

thanks papa. the video is a collection of all the film work done by BYU students the last 2 semesters. Fun eh?