Friday, December 7, 2007

Wednesday morning I woke up before my alarm. I had had a weird dream. The kind that makes you want to raise your eye brow in the general direction of your subconscious and ask, "what the?"

But the dream is not the point, the point was I was up earlier than normal.. So up early and even in the first moments of the getting-ready-for-work routine, I knew what I wanted to do that day more than anything else. I wanted to read. This happens sometimes. Not just read a little bit, or even read the book I am in the middle of. I want to pick up a brand new book, that still smells like the bookstore, curl up and read that whole thing, cover to cover, in one sitting, however long that would be.

I got ready...early. Left the house... early

and drove to the bookstore. I picked up 2 books. No Country for Old Men and The History of Love. After reading the first page of both, I decided on No Country for old men. After reading the back covers, I decided on a History of Love. After looking at the time, and the line at the register, I decided not to buy either one... I was almost late for work. Slow day, nothing was entertaining because I knew what I wanted to be doing. I read about each book and each author on wikipedia and after thinking about it all day and finally finishing the work day, I went back to the bookstore and bought The History of Love. I that night in the library as much as I could. Taking breaks to work on my homework and talk to Jules and eat.. When all you want to do is read your new book, you realize how many other things you have to get done. Thursday the mood to read remained. Thursday was a busy day. Temple. Got to read a bit. Lunch and a movie with Aaron. Shower. Dinner with the crew. Got home late got to reading and feel asleep.. stayed asleep on the couch for most of the night fully clothed with the middle pages of the book mashed, folded and pushed up next to me.. The morning came. Today, the weather stepped in to help perpetuate the mood. It has been raining all day and all I thought about at work was the book I was reading and reading more of it... I'm home, and I have been reading. Until now. I am on page 116 of this novel and I had to find some way, someone to tell that this is one of the most moving/touching/perfect/beautiful books that I have ever, ever read.

1 comment:

vantastic said...

ahhh. its a good book. I am almost finished. PS: you write beautifully.