Hey, Hey, this is my
Blog... check out my
blog... I have a
blog. Woo, woo. I had a really great time deciding upon a name for this little place I intend to make my new personal outlet... I decided on "an illdressed wellmoving foolishwise" I wonder if anyone gets that.. Do you get it? If anyone can tell me what that came from, they will win the prize and the prize is 5.1 points in the game of life.. the only clue given is the picture included to the right.. Oh, Happy blog days are ahead. I can feel it.
I would just like to quickly thank Rachel VanWagoner, and Kim Miller for having such amazing blog's without which I may never have had the desire to start one. I don't know if I will have as many insightful things to share, but I certainly hope so.
hey e.e.
you are the coolioest
em, we are bloggers! and someday we will link our blogs and it will be like the big bang all over again.
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