i, emily ruth foster, was arrested last night.. handcuffs and all.. you may think that i am joking. i assure you, i am not. the $302.00 bail out money missing from my bank account is my evidence and jon-thomas champlin is my witness.. what was the dangerous crime that provo police so efficently took me off the streets for, you might ask???.. an unresolved "fix-it" ticket for a tail light that was out in December of 2009..
i think that police officer slept a little easier last night knowing that his service truly helped protect the community... Kudos to you provo police. you made my life a little better than fiction yesterday.
Unbelievable. The Provo police need better things to do. A few years ago they stopped me from doing sidewalk chalk: http://photos1.blogger.com/photoInclude/blogger/2850/1796/1600/beat.0.jpg
Best. Story. Ever.
Fight the Power
Oh my. That's crazy talk.
I have a crush on you.
that is awful x
jail is no fun at all.. and handcuffs hurt too.
Damn those pigs :)
for the sake of money...
You have not bothered me. I was just drawn to what you have presented. God bless you, too.
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