Monday, December 13, 2010

on actors: (for better or worse)
"we traffic in awe and metaphors and are impatient with the ordinary and the expected. we fight inertia of silence and talk too loud in polite locations and there is no Ritalin for us. we don't succumb to psychoanalysis and the voodoo of easy answers. we thrive on complexity and ask that our monsters truly terrify us, that our lovers truly slay us with their passion, that our magicians truly make something out of nothing and hand it to us with smoke and a rakish smile. we seek connections with the strange and Communion with the brave souls seeking the truth- not the entire truth, but a piece of it will do- a coin of truth we can keep in a pocket near our valuables, that we can spend in those frightening moments when we don't know ourselves, when we're in too deep and some clarity would help, some beauty that could redeem and enliven the night. we turn awful experience and bad relationships and murdering office jobs and loveless parents and poverty and addictions and angst and loss and death itself into the fearsome gold of art. we are alchemists and con artists, acrobats and used car salesmen, liars and en lighteners, and we are here to do the earth's bidding because the earth is screaming out it stories and begging for us to write them down, and act them out, and draw her pretty pictures on the face of the clouds."
-Jose Rivera

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