Monday, April 27, 2009

never have i ever....

stayed in a hotel room by myself..

never have i ever-- eaten a bacon cheese burger in a two bedroom, holiday inn hotel room that I am staying in alone in Huston, Texas on my way to el salvador while blogging and watching Morrissey on late night with jimmy fallon.. (breath)

Never, that is, until TONIGHT!

i am going to eat this cheeseburger on this bed- then i am going to sleep on the other bed.. why? because i CAN!

I am also going to enjoy a nice long shower with hot water because it will probably be the last shower with warm water for the next 4 months.

I guess the giant weather issue that caused us to be unable to land in Huston in time to fly to el salvador today was meant to be. i am willing to look at the silver lining here..

(ps. i wish texas were more like friday night lights)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

what a life i live in the spring

It's 5 days... monday morning.. monday morning.. I get out of this country.. what i life i live in the spring... (these two songs are on constant rotation)

When i Get To The Border (ft. Zooey Deschanel) - M. Ward

This film i lovely....

Fleet Foxes - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Friday, April 17, 2009

listless list...

this is me, making up for some miss placed time--

1. a ceramic/mix media self portrait:

2. a lil game of where's waldo. (watch and see how many times you can spot a familiar face):
Greenlight Reel from Greenlight Films on Vimeo.

3. 6 Days till El Salvador !!!!! & !!!!! & more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Easter!:

5. How one flower delivery boy successfully made monday morning better:

and finally

6. Track One of the official Summer Soundtrack: (special thanks to b.b. and the zip car and the golden gate bridge..)

Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Hot Chip & Peter Gabriel